Hey there!
Welcome to SortingHangers! I’m so glad you’re here!
My name is Danilyn but you can call me Danee (‘de-knee’) for short. I’m a thirty-something living in Florida. A minimalist stay at home wife to a comp geek and comic nerd husband and a mom to 2 lovely teenage girls.
I love coffee, photography, fashion, home decor and of course deals! I also love to thrift and for this reason, I work as a full-time reseller.
I started this blog to document my day-to-day reseller life and as a creative outlet to express my love for photography, online shopping, fashion, home decor, thrifting and life in general. I’m excited to share with you my favorite thrift finds, reseller tips, outfit inspiration, home decor ideas, storage organization and serve as your daily source of inspiration, motivation and good vibes.